Learning Spanish

A page of notes to myself:

I have a basic understanding of Spanish but am always trying to improve my grasp of the language.  It occurred to me to keep a list of interesting words and phrases I come a cross for later review.  This page is designed for personal use in my efforts to improve my Spanish.

  • A las pruebas me remito:   The proof of the pudding is in the eating (remitir: to send, to refer, to postpone)
  • Gracias, no te hubieras molestado:  Thanks, you shouldn’t have gone to the trouble.
  • Pues, ni modo (Mexcio):  Oh well, there’s nothing you can do about it, so you might as well just grin and bear it.  (a philosophical acceptance of the inevitability of something, spoken with resignation/shrugging-of-the-shoulders as in “Pues ni modo, todo está dicho y hecho”).  Stuck in traffic, ni modo.   Need to get online but the Internet connection is down, ni modo.  Said the wrong thing and can’t take it back, ni modo.
  • Quien mucho abarca poco aprieta → don’t bite off more than you can chew (abarcar: to include, embrace, take in, get one’s arms around)
  • Un lazo de terciopelo le ceñía la cintura  →she had a velvet ribbon around her waist; a velvet ribbon encircled her waist;  ceñí su cuerpo con mis brazos → I wrapped my arms around his/her body.

9 Responses to Learning Spanish

  1. Marcella Concas says:

    Salve, mi chiamo Marcella,
    non conosco l’inglese, né lo spagnolo, solamente il greco moderno.
    Sono italiana. Mentre traducevo il Vostro libro “The Art of Forecasting using Solar Returns….a pagina 49…..”Cardinal Ratzinger’s Natal Promise”….il Papa si è dimesso….
    Sono nata il 4/8/1954….. h 12,15 am Arbus Sardinia (Italy) lo stesso giorno del Presidente Obama….ho un Mercury and Uranus conjunct a 17′ about…..the Syncronicity for me is concrete and demonstrable through ASTROLOGY……
    Best regards


  2. iHazer says:

    Muy bien dicho Anthony! It’s been awhile we have not spoken, hope to hear soon from you, say hi to everyone at home!

  3. Paula says:

    A classic famous one for you from Miguel de Cervantes: “no creo en las brujas, pero que las hay, las hay”.

    I checked your website after reading your book on horary astrology. It has been years since I started toying with horary astrology, based solely on the Lilly’s book, keeping my charts, trying to learn from them. I’ve tried reading other modern authors on the subject, but IMO, you have a special talent. I am really glad I found your book.

    BTW, if you by any chance want to give up from Spanish and try Portuguese, I’ll be glad to help! (Brazilian portuguese speaker here)

  4. Audrey Florez says:

    Is a bitt long after your last post in wanting to keep a list of of words and phrases you find interest I have a few to remit to you. Here is one. Mas vale pajaro en mano que cien volando; is better to keep what you have or value than to let go for sweet dreams you may have. ”
    The phrase is not translated literally

  5. Antonio says:

    HELLOI… I have a gift you…… I have a gift for you: The expression “A las pruebas me remito” the real means :if I tell you something, this one is a truth absolute. That is, I am willing to any test to prove it.

    I don’t speak english but I know alot about mexican expression ” a las pruebas me remito” = test me.


  6. Antonio says:

    “quien mucho abarca poco aprieta”
    a person that think to do a lot things but without getting good results.
    it is best to do one thing at a time.

  7. Cristián Tapia says:

    Sr. Louis. Muy buenas tardes. Le escribo ya que me encuentro muy interesado en adquirir su libro “Aprende a leer el Tarot” y a su ves también comprar un mazo de cartas. Pero te la duda si el libro se encuentra ilustrado a el Tarot de Marsella o el Rider Wite.

    Quedaría muy agradecido si me pudiera o
    Orientar a cual mazo comprar acompañado del libro y ambos en español ya que me encuentro interesado en aprender a leer el tarot

    Saludos cordiales
    Cristián Tapia

    • Hola Cristián,
      El libro está ilustrado con una baraja diseñada según la tradición de Rider Waite Smith en lugar de la baraja de Marsella. Se puede usarlo con la baraja de Rider Waite o cualquiera de sus clones.
      Tony Louis

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