New Revelations about Anthony Weiner, aka Carlos Danger

Anthony Weiner has been much in the news during the past week as further revelations of his sexually explicit internet photos have been made public.  He apparently continued to have online relationships with at least 3 women after resigning from Congress in 2011.  I wondered why this scandal again reared its head, so to speak, in July of 2013.

As mentioned in prior posts about Mr. Weiner, we don’t have a birth time so I’ve been using a sunrise chart, which seems to work well with solar and lunar returns.  If we look at his current lunar return (for July 2013), we find his natal Neptune (planet of scandal) in Scorpio (often associated with sex) directly on his lunar return MC.  In addition, natal Mars, which rules the 3rd house (the media) in both the natal and lunar return charts, is debilitated in Cancer and is angular on the DSC.  The strong 8th house emphasis in the return chart suggests a period of anguish of mind.

July 2013 lunar return of Weiner's sunrise birth chart.  Natal Neptune on MC and natal Mars on DSC.

July 2013 lunar return of Weiner’s sunrise birth chart. Natal Neptune on MC and natal Mars on DSC.

About Anthony Louis

Author of books about astrology and tarot, including TAROT PLAIN AND SIMPLE, HORARY ASTROLOGY, and THE ART OF FORECASTING WITH SOLAR RETURNS.
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1 Response to New Revelations about Anthony Weiner, aka Carlos Danger

  1. twosides4 says:

    Thanks, interesting and the Neptune is also conjunct lunar return north node. I think the debilitated mars in cancer and 8th house anguish could indicate his wife’s feelings

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