Podcasts from Spain

While trying to improve my Spanish at ITALKI.com (a great site for learning languages), I just came across the following site which looks like an excellent way to improve one’s grasp of spoken Spanish:


Here is the blurb quoted verbatim from their title page:

Bienvenido a podcastfromSpain.com el sitio donde podrás aprender español online de forma gratuita  a través de conversaciones en podcast, ejercicios sobre el audio y explicaciones sobre frases clave que podrás estudiar en Español . Los podcasts tratan sobre distintos temas y están divididos por niveles: principiante (A1-A2), intermedio (B1-B2) y avanzado (C1-C2).

Welcome to podcastfromSpain.com the place where you’ll be able to learn Spanish online for free while you listen to podcast conversations, do exercises to test your comprehension of the audio and read explanations about key sentences that you will be able study in Spanish. The podcasts cover different topics and are targeted to three levels of study: beginner (A1-A2), intermediate (B1-B2) y advanced (C1-C2). 

También podrás leer y conocer la cultura española a través de nuestro blog donde iremos publicando curiosidades y costumbres de España.  ¡No te lo pierdas!

You can also learn about the Spanish culture through our blog where we post interesting articles about the customs of Spain. Don’t miss it! 

Si quieres sugerirnos algún tema para nuestros podcasts o para el blog, ponte en contacto con nosotros y no olvides que puedes comentar en cada podcasts, así practicas tu español escrito, ¡nosotros te lo corregiremos!

If you want to suggest a topic for our podcast or blog, feel free to contact us and don’t forgot that you can leave a comment below the podcast.  You will be able to practice your Spanish writting and we’ll correct it for you. 


A different and also excellent site which I have used for many years is  http://www.audiria.com/

“Audiria is an online tool which freely supports your learning of Spanish, offering podcasts to increase your knowledge of the language.”



About Anthony Louis

Author of books about astrology and tarot, including TAROT PLAIN AND SIMPLE, HORARY ASTROLOGY, and THE ART OF FORECASTING WITH SOLAR RETURNS.
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