The 12th Part and the Querent’s Intention in Horary

The previous post discussed dwads (12th parts) and minor aspects in horary. This post gives another example, taken from page 170 of Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson’s classic book on horary. Deb Houlding recently posted on her Skyscipt site an article about this chart by Maggie Hyde. The question was asked by a mother whose son was suffering from leukemia: “Can I save my sick boy?” Here is Ivy’s chart for the question, calculated in Solar Fire.

Can I save my sick boy” (who is ill with leukemia)?
Asked on a Venus day during a Sun hour.

Following Masha’allah’s teaching, I start by analyzing the 12th part of the Ascendant.

Here, 10 Taurus 59′ rises, so its 12th part is 11 Virgo 48′ which lies in the 5th house of the radical horary chart. The 12th part of the Asc in Virgo indicates that she is concerned about a 5th (children) and 6th house (illness) matters because most of Virgo lies in the Placidus 5th, and Virgo occupies the 6th house cusp.

The only planet in Virgo (the dwad sign of the Ascendant) is Venus, ruler of the Ascendant (the querent). The dispositor of Venus in the 5th is Mercury which conjoins the 6th cusp and occupies the 6th house. The intent of the querent is to ask about the ill health of a child.

With Leo on the 5th cusp, the Sun signifies the child. By derived houses, the Capricorn 10th represents the son’s 6th of illness; the Pisces 12th is the son’s 8th of death; the Gemini 2nd is the son’s 10th of medical treatment; and the Cancer 4th is the son’s 12th of hospitalization, undoing and endings.

The Sun, hour lord and signifier of the boy, is besieged between 6th ruler Mercury (illness) and 8th ruler Jupiter (death) in both the radical and derived charts. This is an indication that the boy will not survive his illness.

The next aspect of 6th ruler Mercury (illness) is a square to the Moon’s Nodes, an ominous aspect regarding health issues. Furthermore, the antiscion of Mercury lies at 27 Pisces 02′ closely conjunct the radical 12th house, which is the 8th house of death of the child — an indication that the illness is likely to be fatal.

The next aspect of Venus (the mother & querent) is a semi-sextile to the 6th house Sun (her child). I have ever found a very close semi-sextile to be a malefic aspect in horary and directed charts. As an aspect it has an analogy to 2nd and 12th house influences. The perfection of this aspect within a day of the question suggests the mother’s bereavement at the loss of her child.

The Moon, which rules the 4th of endings (which is the 12th of the boy), is almuten of the Asc (the mother & querent) and besieged between two ill-dignified malefics, Mars in Fall and Saturn in Detriment. In addition, Saturn conjoins the radical 4th, which is the child’s derived 12th of undoing and departing; and Mars rules Aries, which is intercepted in the radical 12th.

Jupiter rules the radical 12th and Mars co-rules it because Aries occupies the querent’s radical 12th (sadness, bereavement). Mars is closely semi-sexilte Pluto in the radical 4th of endings. Again, the semi-sextile has a 2nd and 12th house analogy.

Sadly, the boy passed away 17 days after the mother asked the horary question. On that day the transiting Moon opposed radical Pluto in the 4th and quincunxed radical 12th ruler Mars. In addition, the transiting lunar nodes squared radical Mercury (illness). Also, transiting Jupiter was in partile square to radical Mars. Furthermore, on the day of his demise, transiting Jupiter in 11 degrees of Libra is in partile semi-sextile to the 12th part of the Asc at 11 Virgo 48′. 

Here is the original horary chart with the planetary positions of exactly 17 days later superimposed. I do not know the exact time of his demise.

About Anthony Louis

Author of books about astrology and tarot, including TAROT PLAIN AND SIMPLE, HORARY ASTROLOGY, and THE ART OF FORECASTING WITH SOLAR RETURNS.
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4 Responses to The 12th Part and the Querent’s Intention in Horary

  1. Jane Stern says:

    Tony, I am broke but after reading your blog I spent $15 bucks on a book about DWAD. I have no idea what a DWAD is and I can never understand anything you write, but you are brilliant and I am your biggest fan! Jane

  2. abboud666 says:

    Thank you, Dr. Anthony Louis
    What if the mother asked about her sick son at another time…what would the answer be?
    What I mean by the question is whether there is a correspondence between the topic and the answer at all times

    • Horary is based on the idea that the specific time the querent asks the question determines the ASC and the house cusps, so the chart is specific for the question.

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