Trump vs Biden, Part II

In the last post I looked at the profections of both charts. In this post let’s consider the solar and lunar returns of both candidates for 2020 and the election. SR refers to the solar return. LR refers to the lunar return.

Lower left is Trump’s natal chart. Upper right is Trump’s Solar Return for 2020 for his birthplace.

Assuming that Trump has Leo rising (a few seconds later he would have Virgo rising), he is 74 years old at the time of the election so that he is in his 3rd house/Libra profection year, with the profected Asc ruled by Venus.

Venus rules his natal 10th cusp and SR Venus occupies his natal 10th house, which makes sense since he is running for re-election to the presidency. In the SR chart Venus in Gemini is Retrograde and peregrine (without essential dignity), suggesting that winning the election will not be without difficulty.

The SR Ascendant in Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which conjoins Mars and Neptune in Pisces and also conjoins the cusp of the natal Placidus 8th house. In addition, the SR Moon lies at the bendings of the lunar nodes. This close square to the nodes indicates major changes during the SR year. Furthermore, the true lunar nodes of the SR are stationary, which almost invariably indicates major shifts and unexpected alterations in the person’s life, often involving health and career. With the SR nodal axis spanning the 6th and 12th SR houses, there is a suggestion of a significant health crisis during the 2020-2021 SR year.

Joe Biden natal chart is lower left. His SR in effect on 3 Nov 2020 is upper right.

Joe Biden will be 77 years old at the time of the election, making this a 6th house/Taurus profection year, with Venus ruling the profected Ascendant. Venus rules Biden’s natal 11th and 6th houses and occupies his natal 12th.

In the SR chart Venus is peregrine (without essential dignity) but is fortified by a conjunction with SR Jupiter and occupies the angular 4th SR house. Biden’s Venus appears a bit more favorable than Trump’s in their respect SR charts.

Like Trump, Biden also has his true lunar nodes stationary in the SR chart. This is typically a highly disruptive influence indicating major shifts in the life trajectory, including a possible health crisis. Biden’s SR nodal axis falls across his 5th/11th house axis, whereas Trump’s SR nodes fall across his 6th/12th house axis which is more indicative of a health crisis for the current president. In either case, the presence of stationary lunar nodes in the SR is an indication of a highly volatile year for both individuals, marked by much unpredictability.

Now let’s look at the lunar returns of both men at the time of the November election.

Lower left is Trump’s LR in effect on 3 Nov 2020. Upper right is Biden’s LR for the same period.

Above are the lunar returns in effect for each candidate on the day of the election.

Trump has his LR Moon conjunct the LR Asc, and the LR Moon is peregrine. In addition, the LR true nodes are Stationary and fall across the horizon, suggesting a major disruptive life change during this period. LR Venus, ruler of LR 10th, lies at the bendings of the nodes in the LR chart.

Biden’s LR Moon has essential dignity and his LR true nodes are in normal Rx motion.

Overall Biden’s lunar return looks more favorable than Trump’s during this period.

In summary, it doesn’t look like smooth sailing for either candidate. Judging from the solar and lunar returns, I think Biden has somewhat of an edge over Trump. At the same time, both men have indications of major disruptions and unexpected changes in their charts, so election time should be full of surprises. Trump’s return is especially concerning because of the 6th/12th house nodal axis and the possibility of a significant health crisis before his next birthday in 2021.

Addendum 04 Oct 2020:

I originally posted the above blog on 3 Sep 2020. Over the past few days the nation has been concerned about Trump’s health. He apparently came down with symptoms on Wednesday 30 Sep 2020 and was tested for Covid-19 on Thursday 01 Oct 2020. The result was positive and he announced very early Friday morning 02 Oct 2020 that he was diagnosed with Covid-19 and was receiving treatment for the illness. On September 3, 2020, I had written that Trump’s current Solar return “is especially concerning because of the 6th/12th house nodal axis and the possibility of a significant health crisis” during this Solar return year (June 2020 – June 2021).

About Anthony Louis

Author of books about astrology and tarot, including TAROT PLAIN AND SIMPLE, HORARY ASTROLOGY, and THE ART OF FORECASTING WITH SOLAR RETURNS.
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6 Responses to Trump vs Biden, Part II

  1. alwayshawaii says:

    Happy Birthday Anthony!!

    Love your blog!!

    On Thu, Sep 3, 2020 at 8:03 AM Anthony Louis – Astrology & Tarot Blog wrote:

    > Anthony Louis posted: ” In the last post I looked at the profections of > both charts. In this post let’s consider the solar and lunar returns of > both candidates for 2020 and the election. SR refers to the solar return. > LR refers to the lunar return. Lower left is Trump’s n” >

  2. heirophant1 says:

    Love your work! By the way, Trump’s chart is interesting for another reason; his Mercury and Mars fall on azemene degrees. If he was born with 29 Leo ascendant, then this should have no impact. If he were born with a zero Virgo ascendant, Mercury as lord of the geniture would indicate disability. For the 9:51 am chart, the ascendant falls on an azemene degree.

  3. Patrick Ross says:

    Wow the election is so close 11/5/2020. Certainly it is now clear why a winner did not jump out of the chart analysis. Thanks.

    • No matter what technique I looked at, the election seemed like it would be very close, though I thought Biden had an edge over Trump. I hesitated being definitive because we don’t have an officially verified birth time for Biden. Also my personal bias was for a Biden victory, so I wanted to be as objective as possible in reading the charts. He was born in the morning but the 8:30 time is from his memory as told to an astrologer who told it to yet another astrologer. Most likely he was born between 7 and 10 a.m. I believe that Alphee Lavoie rectified the time to 9:19 AM.

  4. Dimitrina Pashova says:

    It is really very interesting how the battle between Biden and Trump is so difficult to analyze . But, there is something very apparent each time-that shortly following the election Biden has SR Ascendant Scorpio. This was the case in 2020, this will be the case in November- Biden has Solar return chart with Scorpio ASC -MC Leo, the ruler of the MC on top of the Ascendant and the Asc ruler in Leo in the 10th. At the same time, USA’s SR chart is also Scorpio Asc with MC Leo. Does that mean loss for Biden ? It remains to be seen.

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