Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro hangs himself in prison – the role of Saturn and Neptune

Ariel Castro was sentenced to life in prison last month for abducting and sexually abusing three young women in his Cleveland home.  On Tuesday night, 3 September 2013, he was found hanging by a bed sheet in his prison cell.  Here is his noon chart (time of birth unknown) with solar sign whole sign houses.

Ariel Castro, noon chart, solar sign whole sign houses

Ariel Castro, noon chart, solar whole sign houses

Castrol’s solar return this year (2013) has transiting Saturn in early Scorpio conjunct his natal Neptune.  Saturn rules Castro’s 8th house of death of his solar whole sign house chart.

His death occurred during the period of his lunar return (for the noon chart), which took place on 19 August 2013 with transiting Saturn at 06 Scorpio 16, almost exactly conjunct his natal Neptune.

Transiting Saturn conjoined natal Neptune of the noon chart exactly on 21 August 2013, shortly after the start of a 4-week period (Aug. 19th – Sep. 16th) during which this aspect was likely to manifest.  His natal Saturn was stressed by transiting Jupiter opposing natal Saturn on 6 September 2013.

Transiting Saturn conjunct natal Neptune is a highly significant and stressful transit that typically leaves one feeling cut-off from supportive people, quite lonely, and rather hopeless.  Saturn/Neptune transits are commonly associated with bouts of depression and may include thoughts that life is no longer worth living.  According to his solar and lunar returns this year, the period of maximum vulnerability to such thoughts occurred during the current lunar return period (Aug. 19th – Sep. 16th) when transiting Saturn conjunct Neptune became exact.

About Anthony Louis

Author of books about astrology and tarot, including TAROT PLAIN AND SIMPLE, HORARY ASTROLOGY, and THE ART OF FORECASTING WITH SOLAR RETURNS.
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2 Responses to Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro hangs himself in prison – the role of Saturn and Neptune

  1. ミネトンカ セール says:


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